1 This Act may be cited as the Financial Administration Act .
Marginal note: Definitions
2 In this Act,
means any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; ( crédit )
means the officer appointed pursuant to subsection 3(1) of the Auditor General Act ; ( vérificateur général )
means any person authorized by the Minister to accept subscriptions for or make sales of securities; ( agent agréé )
means the aggregate of all public moneys that are on deposit at the credit of the Receiver General; ( Trésor )
has the meaning assigned by subsection 83(1); ( société d’État )
means a corporation named in Schedule II; ( établissement public )
means a fiscal agent appointed under Part IV and includes the Bank of Canada; ( agent financier )
means the period beginning on April 1 in one year and ending on March 31 in the next year; ( exercice )
means the Minister of Finance; ( ministre )
includes negotiable instruments; ( fonds )
includes any cheque, draft, traveller’s cheque, bill of exchange, postal note, money order, postal remittance and any other similar instrument; ( effet de commerce )
includes a security for which no certificate is issued and a certificated security held within a security clearing and settlement system in the custody of a custodian or nominee; ( valeur sans certificat )
has the meaning assigned by subsection 83(1); ( société d’État mère )
means all money belonging to Canada received or collected by the Receiver General or any other public officer in his official capacity or any person authorized to receive or collect such money, and includes
includes a minister of the Crown and any person employed in the federal public administration; ( fonctionnaire public )
means all property, other than money, belonging to Her Majesty in right of Canada; ( biens publics )
means a registrar appointed under Part IV and includes the Bank of Canada; ( agent comptable )
means securities of Canada in certificated form or non-certificated securities of Canada, and includes bonds, notes, deposit certificates, non-interest bearing certificates, debentures, treasury bills, treasury notes and any other security representing part of the public debt of Canada; ( valeurs ou titres )
means a tangible certificate issued by or on behalf of Her Majesty representing part of the public debt of Canada; ( certificat de valeur )
means a bill in certificated form, or a non-certificated security, issued by or on behalf of Her Majesty for the payment of a principal sum specified in the bill to a named recipient or to a bearer at a date not later than twelve months after the date of issue of the bill; ( bon du Trésor )
means a note in certificated form, or a non-certificated security, issued by or on behalf of Her Majesty for the payment of a principal sum specified in the note to a named recipient or to a bearer at a date not later than twelve months after the date of issue of the note. ( billet du Trésor )
Marginal note: Addition to Schedule I.1, II or III
Marginal note: Tabling order
Marginal note: Treasury Board
Marginal note: Duties of President
Marginal note: Responsibilities of Treasury Board
Marginal note: Group insurance and benefit programs
Marginal note: Incorporation by letters patent
Marginal note: Board of directors
7.3 The corporation’s board of directors consists of
Marginal note: Regulations
7.4 The Treasury Board may make regulations respecting the governance of the corporation, including regulations that adapt any provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and any regulations made under those Acts for the purpose of applying those provisions as adapted to the corporation.
Marginal note: Subject to directions of Governor in Council
8 The Treasury Board in the exercise of its powers under this Act or any other Act of Parliament is subject to any direction given to it by the Governor in Council, and the Governor in Council may, by order, amend or revoke any action of the Board.
Marginal note: Form of accounts of Canada
Marginal note: Regulations
10 Subject to any other Act of Parliament, the Treasury Board may make regulations
Marginal note: Definitions
means the several positions in or under
means a portion of the federal public administration named in Schedule V. ( organisme distinct )
means any officer who, by any Act of Parliament, is or is deemed to be a deputy head or who has, or is deemed to have, the rank of a deputy head. ( administrateur général au titre de la loi )
Marginal note: Powers of the Treasury Board
Marginal note: Delegation by Governor in Council
Marginal note: Powers of deputy heads in core public administration
Marginal note: Limitation
12.1 Section 11.1 and subsection 12(2) apply subject to the provisions of any Act of Parliament, or any regulation, order or other instrument made under the authority of an Act of Parliament, respecting the powers or functions of a separate agency.
Marginal note: Delegation by deputy head
Marginal note: National Joint Council agreements
12.4 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 218]
Marginal note: Right or power of Governor in Council not affected
Marginal note: Department established
14 There is hereby established a department of the Government of Canada called the Department of Finance over which the Minister of Finance appointed by commission under the Great Seal shall preside.
Marginal note: Minister
15 The Minister holds office during pleasure and has the management and direction of the Department, the management of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the supervision, control and direction of all matters relating to the financial affairs of Canada not by law assigned to the Treasury Board or to any other minister.
Marginal note: Advisory and other committees
Marginal note: Deputy head
16 The Governor in Council may appoint an officer called the Deputy Minister of Finance to hold office during pleasure and to be the deputy head of the Department.
Marginal note: Audit capacity
16.1 The deputy head or chief executive officer of a department is responsible for ensuring an internal audit capacity appropriate to the needs of the department.
Marginal note: Audit committees
16.2 Subject to and except as otherwise provided in any directives issued by the Treasury Board under paragraph 7(1)(e.2), the deputy head or chief executive officer of a department shall establish an audit committee for the department.
Marginal note: Appointment
Marginal note: Definition of
16.3 In sections 16.4 and 16.5,
Marginal note: Accountability of accounting officers within framework of ministerial accountability
Marginal note: Written guidance from Secretary
Marginal note: Public money
Marginal note: Definition of
18 [Repealed, 1999, c. 26, s. 20]
Marginal note: Charges for services or use of facilities
Marginal note: Charges for rights and privileges
19.1 The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Treasury Board,
Marginal note: Adjustment of amounts
Marginal note: Regulations subject to other Acts
19.3 Regulations and orders under sections 19 and 19.1 are subject to the provisions of any Act of Parliament relating to the service or the use of the facility, or to the right or privilege, but, for greater certainty, may be made even though an Act of Parliament requires the provision of the service or facility or the conferral of the right or privilege.
Marginal note: Return of deposits
Marginal note: Money received for special purpose
Marginal note: Money paid in respect of proceedings in Parliament
22 Where the Senate or House of Commons, by resolution or pursuant to any rule or standing order, authorizes a refund of public money that was received in respect of any proceedings before Parliament, the Receiver General may pay the refund out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Marginal note: Definitions
Marginal note: Payment out of C.R.F.
Marginal note: Forgiveness of debts and obligations
shall be forgiven in whole or in part otherwise than by or under an Act of Parliament, including an appropriation Act.
Marginal note: Report in Public Accounts
24.2 Forgiveness of a debt or obligation under this or any other Act of Parliament during a fiscal year shall be reported in the Public Accounts for that year in such form as the Treasury Board may direct.
Marginal note: Debt write-off regulations
Marginal note: Payments out of C.R.F.
26 Subject to the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982 , no payments shall be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund without the authority of Parliament.
Marginal note: Estimates
27 All estimates of expenditures submitted to Parliament shall be in respect of payments during the fiscal year to which the estimates relate and expenditures that will be incurred during that fiscal year.
Marginal note: Warrant of Governor General
28 Where an appropriation is made for any purpose in any Act of Parliament for granting to Her Majesty any sum of money to defray expenses of the federal public administration for a fiscal year, no payment shall be made pursuant to that appropriation out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund unless a warrant, prepared on the order of the Governor in Council, has been signed by the Governor General authorizing expenditures to be charged against the appropriation, and no payments in excess of the amount of expenditures so authorized shall be made.
Marginal note: Payment of guarantee
Marginal note: Expenditure of revenues by departmental corporations
Marginal note: Internal support services
Marginal note: Payments urgently required
the Governor in Council, on the report of the President of the Treasury Board that there is no appropriation for the payment and the report of the appropriate Minister that the payment is urgently required for the public good, may, by order, direct the preparation of a special warrant to be signed by the Governor General authorizing the payment to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Marginal note: Appropriation allotments
Marginal note: Credits transferred
31.1 If an order is made under section 2 of the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act , all of the unexpended money authorized by an Act of Parliament to be paid and applied for the purposes of any power, duty or function or control or supervision of a portion of the federal public administration that is transferred as a result of the operation of sections 2 and 3 of that Act is deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes of the power, duty, function, control or supervision to the department in, or portion of, the federal public administration to which it has been transferred.
Marginal note: Control of commitments
Marginal note: Requisitions
Marginal note: Payment for work, goods or services
Marginal note: Definition of
Marginal note: Reconciliation of claim with evidence and instruction for payment
Marginal note: Lapse
37 The balance of an appropriation that remains unexpended at the end of a fiscal year or such longer period as may be specified in an appropriation Act or any other Act of Parliament, after adjustment for the recording of debts incurred and other amounts due or owing referred to in section 37.1, shall lapse.
Marginal note: Unpaid debts
Marginal note: Accountable advances
Marginal note: Crediting of refunds
39 Subject to such directions as the Treasury Board may make, any amount received as
shall be credited to the appropriation against which the related expenditure, advance or payment was charged.
Marginal note: Term of contract that money available
Marginal note: Commitment
40.1 The Government of Canada is committed to taking appropriate measures to promote fairness, openness and transparency in the bidding process for contracts with Her Majesty for the performance of work, the supply of goods or the rendering of services.
Marginal note: Regulations respecting conditions under which contracts awarded
Marginal note: Regulations — deemed terms of contracts
Marginal note: Five-year reviews
Marginal note: Definitions
42.2 The following definitions apply in this Part.
means a fiscal agent appointed under this Part and includes the Bank of Canada. ( agent financier )
means a registrar appointed under this Part and includes the Bank of Canada. ( agent comptable )
Marginal note: Lending of funds
Marginal note: Auctions
Marginal note: Management of risks
42.5 The Governor in Council may authorize the Minister, subject to any terms and conditions that the Governor in Council may specify, to enter into any contract or agreement of a financial nature, including options, derivatives, swaps and forwards, on any terms and conditions that the Minister considers necessary for the management of risks related to the financial position of the Government of Canada.
Marginal note: Registrars and fiscal agents
42.6 The Minister may
Marginal note: Payment of related expenses
42.7 With the authorization of the Governor in Council, there may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund
Marginal note: Delegation
42.8 The Minister may delegate to any officer of the Department of Finance any of the Minister’s powers, duties or functions under this Part, except the power to delegate under this section.
Marginal note: Borrowing of money
43.1 [Repealed, 2016, c. 7, s. 182]
Marginal note: Raising of money
Marginal note: Auctions
Marginal note: Contracts and agreements
45.1 The Governor in Council may authorize the Minister, subject to any terms and conditions that the Governor in Council may specify, to enter into any contract or agreement of a financial nature, including options, derivatives, swaps and forwards, on such terms and conditions as the Minister considers necessary.
Marginal note: Powers — management of assets and liabilities
46 The Minister may, on any terms and conditions the Minister considers appropriate, do any of the following if the Minister considers it appropriate for the sound and efficient management of the assets and liabilities of Canada, including contingent liabilities:
Marginal note: Authority to borrow money
46.1 In any fiscal year, the Governor in Council may by order authorize the Minister to borrow money for
Marginal note: Exception
47 During the period beginning on the day on which this section comes into force and ending on September 30, 2020, the Minister may borrow money for
Marginal note: Currency of borrowings
the authorized transaction may be undertaken, in whole or in part, in the currency of a country other than Canada, and for that purpose the specific or maximum number of dollars shall be construed as an equivalent amount in the currency of the other country, calculated at the daily average rate of exchange between the Canadian dollar and the currency concerned quoted by the Bank of Canada on the day immediately preceding the day on which the money is borrowed, the proceeds from the issue of securities are received or the guarantee is given, as the case may be, or at any other rate of exchange in use between those currencies that the Minister considers appropriate.
the principal amount borrowed or authorized to be borrowed, the principal amount of any securities previously issued or authorized to be issued or the amount guaranteed or authorized to be guaranteed, as the case may be, payable in a currency of any country other than Canada, shall be deemed to be the Canadian dollar equivalent of the value thereof, as calculated under subsection (2), regardless of any premium or discount at which the securities were sold and regardless of any premium that may be payable on early redemption.
Marginal note: Report on debt management
Marginal note: Report — borrowings in respect of extraordinary circumstances
Marginal note: Signing securities
Marginal note: Registrars and fiscal agents
Marginal note: Records of money borrowed
Marginal note: Sinking fund
53 The Governor in Council may provide for the creation and management of a sinking fund with respect to any issue of securities or with respect to all securities issued.
Marginal note: Borrowed money and interest
54 The repayment of all money borrowed and interest on that money, including the principal of and interest on all securities issued by or on behalf of Her Majesty with the authority of Parliament, is a charge on and payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Marginal note: Payment of loan expenses
55 With the authority of the Governor in Council, there may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund
Marginal note: Payment for securities to agent or by salary deduction in trust money
Marginal note: Investors’ Indemnity Account
57 There shall be established in the accounts of Canada an account to be known as the Investors’ Indemnity Account to which shall be credited the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, such further amounts as are appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of this section and any recoveries of the losses referred to in section 58.
Marginal note: Payment of losses
58 The Minister may, in accordance with and subject to the regulations, pay out of the Investors’ Indemnity Account any losses sustained by subscribers for securities who have paid all or part of the purchase price for those securities but have not received the security or repayment of the amount so paid, and losses sustained by any person in the redemption of securities.
Marginal note: Not bound to execute trusts
59 Her Majesty and a fiscal agent or registrar acting as such are not bound to see to the execution of any express or implied trust to which any securities are subject.
Marginal note: Regulations
Marginal note: Delegation
60.1 The Minister may delegate to any officer of the Department of Finance any of the powers, duties and functions of the Minister under this Part, except the power to delegate under this section.
Marginal note: Definitions
Marginal note: Incorporation
Marginal note: Entity other than corporation
Marginal note: Transfers, etc., of public property
Marginal note: Management of public property
62 The deputy head of every department shall maintain adequate records in relation to public property for which the department is responsible and shall comply with regulations of the Treasury Board governing the custody and control of public property.
Marginal note: Accounts of Canada
Marginal note: Submission of Public Accounts to Parliament
Marginal note: Ministers to provide records, etc.
65 For the purpose of the keeping of the accounts of Canada under section 63 and the preparation of the Public Accounts under section 64, the Receiver General may, from time to time, subject to such regulations as the Treasury Board may make, send a notice to each appropriate Minister requesting such records, accounts or statements or other information as is specified in the notice and each appropriate Minister shall, within such reasonable time as is specified in the notice, provide the Receiver General with the records, accounts or statements or other information requested.
Marginal note: Quarterly financial reports
Marginal note: Definitions
66 In this Part,
, in relation to a Crown debt, means the paying officer who makes the payments in respect of that debt; ( agent payeur compétent )
means a contract involving the payment of money by the Crown; ( marché )
means Her Majesty in right of Canada; ( Sa Majesté )
means any existing or future debt due or becoming due by the Crown, and any other chose in action in respect of which there is a right of recovery enforceable by action against the Crown; ( créance sur Sa Majesté )
means any person designated as such by regulation; ( agent payeur )
means prescribed by regulation. ( Version anglaise seulement )
Marginal note: General prohibition
67 Except as provided in this Act or any other Act of Parliament,
Marginal note: Assignments of specified Crown debts
Marginal note: Notice of assignment
Marginal note: Limitation of application of this Part
70 This Part does not apply
Marginal note: Regulations
71 The Governor in Council may make regulations
Marginal note: Definitions
72 In this Part,
means Her Majesty in right of Canada or any agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada and includes a Crown corporation and a departmental corporation; ( Sa Majesté )
means a bond held by the Crown as security for the payment of certain classes of persons who perform labour or services or supply material in connection with a contract between the Crown and a contractor. ( cautionnement )
Marginal note: Assignment of Crown right under payment bond
is, without any act by or notice by or to the Crown, an assignee of the right of the Crown to recover an amount under the payment bond determined pursuant to subsection (2).
Marginal note: Provision of certified copy of payment bond
Marginal note: Regulations
75 The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Treasury Board, may make regulations for carrying into effect the purposes and provisions of this Part.
Marginal note: Notice to persons failing to pay over public money
the appropriate Minister or the Receiver General, as the case may be, may cause a notice to be served on that person, or on the person’s representative in case of the person’s death, requiring the person, within such time after the service of the notice as may be named therein, duly to pay over, account for or apply that money, as the case may be, and to transmit to the appropriate Minister or the Receiver General, as the notice provides, proper vouchers that the person has done so.
Marginal note: Evidence
77 Where it appears by the books or accounts kept by or in the office of any person employed in the collection or management of the revenue, in any accounting by that person or by his written acknowledgment or confession, that that person has, by virtue of his office or employment, received money belonging to Her Majesty and refused or neglected to pay over that money to the proper persons at the proper times, an affidavit deposing to those facts, taken by any person having knowledge thereof, shall, in any proceedings for the recovery of that money, be admitted in evidence and is, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, proof of the facts stated therein.
Marginal note: Liability for loss
78 Where, by reason of any malfeasance or negligence by any person employed in collecting or receiving any public money, any sum of money is lost to Her Majesty, that person is accountable for the sum as if that person had collected and received it and it may be recovered from that person as if that person had collected and received it.
Marginal note: Regulations in respect of losses of money and public property
79 The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Treasury Board, may make regulations
Marginal note: Offences and punishment
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
Marginal note: Idem, where bribes offered or accepted
81 Every person who
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding three times the amount so offered or accepted and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding five years.
Marginal note: Books, etc., property of Her Majesty
82 All books, papers, accounts and documents kept or used by, or received or taken into the possession of, any officer or person who is or has been employed in the collection or management of the revenue or in accounting for the revenue, by virtue of that employment, shall be deemed to be chattels belonging to Her Majesty, and all money or valuable securities received or taken into the possession of that officer or person by virtue of his employment shall be deemed to be money and valuable securities belonging to Her Majesty.
Marginal note: Definitions
includes a partnership of auditors; ( vérificateur )
means a board of directors, by whatever name called, of a corporation and includes a group of persons, other than a minister of the Crown, that constitutes a corporation; ( conseil d’administration )
means a by-law, by whatever name called, of a corporation and includes an amendment or a repeal of a by-law; ( règlements administratifs )
means a person occupying the position of chairperson, by whatever name called, of the board of directors of a corporation; ( président )
includes a company or other body corporate wherever or however incorporated; ( personne morale )
means Her Majesty in right of Canada; ( Sa Majesté )
means a parent Crown corporation or a wholly-owned subsidiary; ( société d’État )
[Repealed, 1991, c. 24, s. 21]
means a person occupying the position of director, by whatever name called, of a corporation and includes any person, other than a minister of the Crown, in a group of persons that constitutes a corporation; ( administrateur )
, in relation to a parent Crown corporation or a wholly-owned subsidiary, means a class of business or activity of the corporation or subsidiary established pursuant to subsection (10) or, if no classes are so established, all the business or activity of the corporation or subsidiary; ( activités principales )
means a corporation that is wholly owned directly by the Crown, but does not include a departmental corporation; ( société d’État mère )
means the regulations made under this Part; ( règlements )
includes a membership interest or ownership interest in a corporation; ( action )
means a corporation that is wholly owned by one or more parent Crown corporations directly or indirectly through any number of subsidiaries each of which is wholly owned directly or indirectly by one or more parent Crown corporations. ( filiale à cent pour cent )
Marginal note: Binding on the Crown
84 For greater certainty, this Part is binding on the Crown.
Marginal note: Exemption for Bank of Canada
Marginal note: Application to wholly-owned subsidiaries
Marginal note: Inconsistencies
87 Except as otherwise expressly provided, in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Part and the provisions of any other Act of Parliament, the provisions of this Part prevail.
Marginal note: Accountability to Parliament
88 Each Crown corporation is ultimately accountable, through the appropriate Minister, to Parliament for the conduct of its affairs.
Marginal note: Directives by Governor in Council
Marginal note: Implementation
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Directive
89.3 Despite subsections 85(1) to (1.2), the Governor in Council may give a directive under subsection 89(1) to any parent Crown corporation for the purpose of implementing any provision of the , as defined in section 2 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act , that pertains to that Crown corporation.
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Directive
Marginal note: Order — unionized employees
Marginal note: Order — non-unionized employees
Marginal note: Directors’ duty to comply
Marginal note: Treasury Board not employer
89.92 For greater certainty, including for the purposes of the Canada Labour Code , the Treasury Board is neither the employer of the employees of the Crown corporation that is subject to an order made under subsection 89.8(1) or 89.9(1) nor an employer representative of the Crown corporation or a person acting on the Crown corporation’s behalf.
Marginal note: Transactions requiring Parliamentary authorization
Marginal note: Transactions requiring Governor in Council authorization
Marginal note: Exceptions
and is made as part of a bona fide reorganization of the parent Crown corporation or wholly-owned subsidiaries;
Marginal note: Notification
Marginal note: Dissolution
and the directors and shareholders of the corporation in respect of which the direction is given shall forthwith take all steps necessary to comply with the direction.
Marginal note: No inconsistent business or activity
Marginal note: Exercise of powers
96 An agent corporation may exercise its powers only as an agent of the Crown.
Marginal note: Name in contracts
97 An agent corporation may enter into contracts in the name of the Crown or in the name of the corporation.
Marginal note: Legal proceedings
98 Actions, suits or other legal proceedings in respect of any right or obligation acquired or incurred by an agent corporation, whether in the name of the Crown or in the name of the corporation, may be brought or taken by or against the corporation in the name of the corporation in any court that would have jurisdiction if the corporation were not an agent of the Crown.
Marginal note: Property of the Crown
Marginal note: Security interests
Marginal note: Borrowing
Marginal note: Assertions
except where the person has knowledge that the facts asserted are true.
and that is signed by the chairperson or chief executive officer of a Crown corporation is sufficient confirmation of the statement to any person, except where the person has knowledge to the contrary.
Marginal note: Provision not applicable
103 Section 268 of the Canada Business Corporations Act does not apply to a parent Crown corporation.
Marginal note: Act not applicable
104 The Canada Corporations Act , chapter C-32 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, does not apply to a parent Crown corporation.
Marginal note: Definition of
104.1 In this Division, , in respect of a parent Crown corporation, means the chairperson and the chief executive officer of the corporation, by whatever name called.
Marginal note: Appointment of directors
Marginal note: Validity of acts
106 An act of a director, chairperson, chief executive officer or other officer of a parent Crown corporation is not invalid by reason only of an irregularity in his appointment or a defect in his qualifications.
Marginal note: Resignation
Marginal note: Remuneration
Marginal note: Management
109 Subject to this Part, the board of directors of a Crown corporation is responsible for the management of the businesses, activities and other affairs of the corporation.
Marginal note: Resolution in lieu of meeting
Marginal note: Dissent
Marginal note: Dissent of absent director
112 A director of a Crown corporation who was not present at a meeting of the board of directors or a committee of directors of the corporation at which a resolution was passed or action taken is deemed to have consented thereto unless within seven days after becoming aware of the resolution or action the director
Marginal note: Participation by telephone, etc.
113 A director of a Crown corporation may, subject to the by-laws of the corporation, participate in a meeting of the board of directors or a committee of directors of the corporation by means of such telephone or other communications facilities as permit all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other, and a director participating in such a meeting by such means is deemed for the purposes of this Part to be present at the meeting.
Marginal note: Public meeting
Marginal note: By-laws
Marginal note: Duty of care of directors and officers
Marginal note: Disclosure of interest in contract
shall disclose in writing to the corporation or request to have entered in the minutes of a meeting of the board of directors thereof the nature and extent of his interest.
Marginal note: Avoidance standards
117 A material contract between a Crown corporation and one or more of its directors or officers, or between a Crown corporation and another person of which a director or an officer of the Crown corporation is a director or an officer or in which he has a material interest, is neither void nor voidable by reason only of that relationship or by reason only that a director with an interest in the contract is present at or is counted to determine the presence of a quorum at a meeting of the board of directors that authorized the contract, if the director or officer disclosed his interest in accordance with subsection 116(2), (3), (4) or (6), as the case may be, and the contract was approved by the board of directors and it was reasonable and fair to the Crown corporation at the time it was approved.
Marginal note: Application to court
Marginal note: Obligation to indemnify
Marginal note: Definitions
120 In this Division,
means a report made pursuant to section 150; ( rapport annuel )
means a person designated by or appointed pursuant to section 142 to carry out a special examination; ( examinateur )
, in relation to a parent Crown corporation, means the objectives of the corporation as set out in a corporate plan or an amendment to a corporate plan that has been approved pursuant to section 122; ( objectifs )
means an examination referred to in subsection 138(1). ( examen spécial )
Marginal note: Financial year
Marginal note: Corporate plans
Marginal note: Operating budgets
Marginal note: Capital budgets
Marginal note: Summary of plan or budget
Marginal note: Regulations
126 In addition to any other requirements under this Act or any other Act of Parliament with respect thereto, the Treasury Board may make regulations
Marginal note: Intended borrowing
Marginal note: Deposits and deposit receipts
128 A Crown corporation may, directly or indirectly, deposit funds with or acquire deposit receipts from
Marginal note: Receiver General account
Marginal note: Payment over of surplus money
130 Subject to any other Act of Parliament, where the appropriate Minister and the Minister of Finance, with the approval of the Governor in Council, so direct, a parent Crown corporation shall pay or cause to be paid to the Receiver General so much of the money of the corporation or of a wholly-owned subsidiary of the corporation as the appropriate Minister and the Minister of Finance consider to be in excess of the amount required for the purposes of the corporation or subsidiary, and any money so paid may be applied toward the discharge of any obligation of the corporation or subsidiary to the Crown or may be applied as revenues of Canada.
Marginal note: Dividend proposal
130.1 Each parent Crown corporation named in Part II of Schedule III shall annually submit a dividend proposal to the appropriate Minister as part of its corporate plan submitted pursuant to section 122.
Marginal note: Dividend payment
130.2 The Governor in Council may prescribe, waive or vary the dividends to be paid by any parent Crown corporation named in Schedule III.
Marginal note: Books and systems
in respect of itself and each of its wholly-owned subsidiaries, if any.
Marginal note: Quarterly financial reports
Marginal note: Annual auditor’s report
Marginal note: Errors and omissions
Marginal note: Appointment of auditor
Marginal note: Persons not eligible
Marginal note: Qualifications preserved
136 Nothing in sections 134 and 135 shall be construed as empowering the appointment, re-appointment or continuation in office as an auditor of a Crown corporation of any person who does not meet any qualifications for such appointment, re-appointment or continuation established by any other Act of Parliament.
Marginal note: Resignation
137 A resignation of an auditor of a Crown corporation becomes effective at the time the corporation receives a written resignation from the auditor or at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later.
Marginal note: Special examination
Marginal note: Report
Marginal note: Special report to appropriate Minister
140 Where the examiner of a parent Crown corporation, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent Crown corporation, is of the opinion that the report under subsection 139(1) contains information that should be brought to the attention of the appropriate Minister, the examiner shall, after consultation with the board of directors of the corporation, or with the boards of the subsidiary and corporation, as the case may be, report that information to the Minister and furnish the board or boards with a copy of the report.
Marginal note: Special report to Parliament
141 Where the examiner of a parent Crown corporation, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent Crown corporation, is of the opinion that the report under subsection 139(1) contains information that should be brought to the attention of Parliament, the examiner shall, after consultation with the appropriate Minister and the board of directors of the corporation, or with the boards of the subsidiary and corporation, as the case may be, prepare a report on that information for inclusion in the next annual report of the corporation and furnish the board or boards, the appropriate Minister and the Auditor General of Canada with copies of the report.
Marginal note: Examiner
Marginal note: Consultation with Auditor General
143 The auditor or examiner of a Crown corporation may at any time consult the Auditor General of Canada on any matter relating to his audit or special examination and shall consult the Auditor General with respect to any matter that, in the opinion of the auditor or examiner, should be brought to the attention of Parliament pursuant to paragraph 132(2)(b) or section 141.
Marginal note: Right to information
as the auditor or examiner considers necessary to enable him to prepare any report as required by this Division and that the directors, officers, employees or agents are reasonably able to furnish.
Marginal note: Restriction
145 Nothing in this Part or the regulations shall be construed as authorizing the auditor or examiner of a Crown corporation to express any opinion on the merits of matters of policy, including the merits of
Marginal note: Qualified privilege
146 Any oral or written statement or report made under this Part or the regulations by the auditor or a former auditor, or the examiner or a former examiner, of a Crown corporation has qualified privilege.
Marginal note: Cost of audit and examinations
Marginal note: Audit committee
Marginal note: Accounts, etc., to Treasury Board or appropriate Minister
Marginal note: Annual report
and shall be prepared in a form that clearly sets out information according to the major businesses or activities of the corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, if any.
Marginal note: Consolidated quarterly reports
152 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 220]
Marginal note: Commercially detrimental information
Marginal note: Contravention of Act or regulations
154 Where a director, chairperson or chief executive officer of a Crown corporation has wilfully contravened this Part or the regulations, or has wilfully caused the corporation to contravene this Part or the regulations, the Governor in Council may suspend him, with or without remuneration, for such period as the Governor in Council deems appropriate.
Marginal note: Fraud against Her Majesty
154.1 [Repealed, 2020, c. 1, s. 55]
Marginal note: Deduction and set-off
the appropriate Minister responsible for the recovery or collection of the amount of the indebtedness may authorize the retention of the amount of the indebtedness by way of deduction from or set-off against any sum of money that may be due or payable by Her Majesty in right of Canada to the person or the estate of that person.
the Minister may require the retention of the amount of the indebtedness by way of deduction from or set-off against any sum of money that may be due and payable by Her Majesty in right of Canada to that person, and the amount so deducted, less the portion thereof that in the opinion of the Minister is proportionate to the contribution in respect thereof made by Canada, may be paid to the province out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Marginal note: Interest on amounts owed to Her Majesty
Marginal note: Small amounts
Marginal note: Acceptance and release of security
Marginal note: Information already in Public Accounts or estimates
157 Where it appears to the Governor in Council that any account, statement, return or document required by any Act of Parliament or otherwise to be laid before one or both Houses of Parliament contains the same information as or less information than is contained in the Public Accounts or in any estimates of expenditures submitted to Parliament, the Governor in Council may direct that the account, statement, return or other document be discontinued, and thereafter it need not be prepared or laid before either House of Parliament.
Marginal note: Proof of Treasury Board records
158 A document purporting to be a copy of an entry in the records of the Treasury Board certified by the Secretary, a Deputy Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Board or by the Comptroller General of Canada, a Deputy Comptroller General of Canada or by an Assistant Comptroller General of Canada is, without proof of the signature or of the official character of the person purporting to have signed it, admissible in any court of justice and has the same probative force as the original document would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.
Marginal note: Definition of
Marginal note: Regulations
Marginal note: Management or protection of computer systems
Marginal note: Meaning of
Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States, done at Buenos Aires on November 30, 2018, as amended by the Protocol of Amendment to the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States, done at Mexico City on December 10, 2019.
An Act to implement the Agreement on Trade Continuity between Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, done at Ottawa, on December 9, 2020.
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership between Canada, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, done at Santiago on March 8, 2018.
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union and its Member States, done at Brussels on October 30, 2016.
Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, signed on June 28, 2009.Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Honduras, done at Ottawa on November 5, 2013.
Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Korea, done at Ottawa on September 22, 2014. Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Panama, done at Ottawa on May 14, 2010. Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine, done at Kyiv on July 11, 2016.A x 1.02 B where is $2,000,000,000; and is the number obtained by subtracting 2013 from the number of the year in which the fiscal year in question begins.
— 2019, c. 29, s. 276
276 Part I of Schedule III to the Financial Administration Act is amended by striking out the following:
and a corresponding reference in column II to “Minister of the Environment.”
and a corresponding reference in column II to “President.”