Sometimes, the requests targeting an API get an HTTP error code as a response. These errors might be due to the request message not being properly set up, or due to problems on the server.
Below we describe the most common HTTP error codes. 4XX codes are errors on the client side (Data Library or mobile app), whereas 5XX codes are errors on the API server.
400: Bad RequestThe API didn't accept the request as valid. This is usually because data is missing or not formatted correctly. To fix this, check the API documentation and make sure the data is sent as specified there.
401: Authentication RequiredAPIs often require an API key along with the request in order for you access to the data. In this case, authentication is required for that request URL.
403: ForbiddenIt's forbidden to access the resources in that request URL.
404: Not FoundThe requested API couldn't find anything at that request URL. Double check that the request URL is correct.
408: Request timeoutThe request wasn't processed by the server within a established time period. See more info in the link below.
409: ConflictThe API you've requested has encountered a conflict with that request message. This is usually because you're trying to create something that would conflict with something else or removing something that is relied on by something else. To fix this, check the API documentation.
422: Unprocessable EntityThe API doesn't accept the data you've provided in the request as valid. This error is caused by similar reasons as 400. Please check the documentation for the API, and make sure your request is constructed according to the specifications (request URL, JSON body, headers, etc.).
429: Too Many RequestsThis error indicates that the client has surpassed the server's rate limits by making too many requests in a specific timeframe. Please verify your backend's API rate limit to check the number of API calls you can make in a given period of time.
500: Internal ErrorThe API you've requested has encountered some kind of internal error. This is usually unrelated to your request and is likely temporary. If it persists, please reach out to the API maintainers for support.
502: Bad GatewayThis error is similar to 500, and due to an internal error in the API server. If it persists, please reach out to the API maintainers for support.
503: Service UnreachableThis error is similar to 500 and 502, and due to an internal error in the API server. If it persists, please reach out to the API maintainers for support.
If you're using a self-signed certificate in your server, you'll probably get a 500, 502, or 503 error as well. If you communicate Bravo with a server of your own, you'll need to have a valid SSL certificate to establish the connection securely.
Last updated 3 months ago
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