Licenses & Fees

1 - License not required for youth under 16 if accompanied by a licensed adult (18 years or older).

2 - Lifetime hunting license available to residents who qualify. Deer and Turkey licenses, Iowa Migratory Game Bird Fee and Federal Waterfowl Stamp must be purchased annually.

3 - License not required for qualifying resident and nonresident landowners or tenants or their juvenile children when hunting or trapping on their own land.

4 - Unless under 16 years old.

5 - Required for hunting and trapping all furbearers, except coyote and groundhog, which may also be taken on a hunting license.

6 - Except those under 16 or 65 and older.

7 - Needed to hunt ducks, geese, gallinule, rails, snipe and woodcock.

9 - Hunting license and habitat fee required for all nonresidents hunting deer and turkey.

10 - Residents issued a disabled veteran lifetime hunting license are exempt from the habitat fee.

11 - HIP registration required.

Hunting Age 16 & Older

Habitat Fee (Age 16-64)

Hunting & Habitat Fee Combo

Hunting 3-Year with Habitat Fee

Migratory Game Bird Fee

Federal Duck Stamp

Apprentice (includes Hunting & Habitat)

Furharvester Age 16 & Older

Furharvester Under 16

Hunting, Fishing, Habitat Fee Combo

Furharvester & Habitat Fee Combo

*** The Resident Apprentice License was introduced in 2016.

Resident Any-Sex Tags$33.00
Resident 1st Antlerless Tag$28.50
Resident Additional Antlerless$15.00
Resident Landowner / Tenant Any-Sex$2.00
Resident Landowner / Tenant Doe Tag$2.00
Resident Landowner / Tenant Additional Doe Tags =2$15.00ea
Resident Turkey Tags$28.50
Resident Landowner / Tenant Turkey$1.00
Nonresident Hunting / Habitat 18+ **$144.00
Nonresident Hunting / Habitat $45.00
Nonresident Apprentice License ***$144.00
Nonresident 5-day Hunting 18+ (not applicable to deer or turkey seasons)$77.00
Nonresident 5-day Hunting/Habitat 18+ (not applicable to deer or turkey seasons)$90.00
Nonresident Migratory Bird Fee$11.50
Nonresident Fur Harvester / Habitat$247.00
Nonresident Fur Dealer 1 Day Only$294.50
Nonresident Fur Dealer$588.50
Nonresident Buck Tag ( Pending Lottery Results)$348.50
Nonresident Mandatory Antlerless$149.50
Nonresident Antlerless by County$266.50
Nonresident Holiday Tag$91.00
Nonresident Preference Point$60.50
Nonresident Landowner Tag$266.50
Nonresident Turkey Tags ( Pending Lottery Results)$119.00

*** The Nonresident Apprentice License was introduced in 2016 and may not be used for deer or turkey hunting.

Resident Snow User Permit$17.75
Nonresident OHV User Permit$17.50
Nonresident Snow User Permit$17.50
1 Year Iowa Outdoors Magazine$15.00
2 Year Iowa Outdoors Magazine$24.00
3 Year Iowa Outdoors Magazine$30.00
Ginseng Harvest$37.00
Nonresident Ginseng Harvest$67.00
Nonresident Falconry$28.00
Resident Taxidermy$20.00
Deer Book$12.00
Retail Bait Dealer$38.00
Replacement / Duplicates$4.50